Spectrum Monitorings
There are thousands of active satellites in orbit today. Most of those spacecraft are sending signals down to the ground in a variety of frequency bands and locations. With all of that potential for interference, what happens when there is signal conflict, interference, or noise? RBC Signals helps you better understand the signal environment your spacecraft or ground station is operating in to avoid interference and maximize signal quality.

Space Domain Awareness
The need to clearly understand your spacecraft's position in space at any given time is increasing as more objects are placed in Earth orbit. The potential of impacts and the challenges of replacing a satellite in orbit are things satellite operators want to avoid. RBC Signals uses passive RF to help you better solve space domain awareness challenges.

Spectrum Licensing
The licensing and regulatory environment spacecraft operators must face is complex. Our team has experience licensing satellites and ground stations in many countries around the world. This enables you to focus on your mission and helps you avoid costly delays due to regulatory issues.